Home > Notice from Capital One.

Notice from Capital One.

February 16th, 2009 at 04:54 pm

They are raising my interest rate.

And here, I thought it couldn't get any higher.

After 1st Premier and BofA this month, both of our Capital One's are next on the list.

We are having a budget meeting to discuss what to pay off next month. We will have our tax refund (amount unknown), tuition reimbursement ($632), our snowball ($850), and three normal payments to our American General loan by mid-March. That would wipe out that debt. The reason I consider it first is because the monthly payment is $256 a month... that's more than my little 9 credit cards' monthly payments combined.

So... we should have our budget meeting soon.

Praying for a nice refund!

1 Responses to “Notice from Capital One.”

  1. Chalatenango Says:

    I received a similar notice from CITIBANK.
    I called to reject the changes. The card will be cancelled once it reaches the expiration date. I have another good year to use it. Maybe within the year they change their mind, otherwise, I will keep just one.

    I have not used credit for over a year. (I am just working on paying off what I already owe.)

    I will eventually pay everything off.

    Good luck to you with your credit.

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