Well, that's what is reported on DH's Equifax credit report, anyway! Can you believe it? Thank gosh there's no fraud - seems like a simple mistake. I think the mortgage is what's bringing DH's Equifax score way down. I am sure the Debt to Income ratio is bad.
So, I need to get a letter typed up and in the mail to get that cleared up. I'd like to see it gone and removed from the report asap so I can see what his true credit score is.
Oh... Guess what we got DH for Father's Day (a bit early, I know)...?!
A new laptop! He's been eyeing one for a long while (he's never had one, just desktops). It will come in handy for work, he's a manager who's out in the field a lot. Some people questioned this purchase - wondering why we didn't throw that $600 at debt. It was something I saved for, planned for, and added to the budget. We have worked so hard, and don't spend much money any more, if any. He deserves it!
Know how he thanked me? He leaned in close and whispered the following in my ear, "There is no way you could have bought this for me, if you hadn't taken control and gotten us out of debt the way you have. Thank you!"
We have a house in Wisconsin!
June 8th, 2009 at 02:04 am
June 8th, 2009 at 02:20 am 1244424038
June 8th, 2009 at 02:36 am 1244424962
But seriously, great news about the laptop, I just got a new one and I absolutely love it.
June 8th, 2009 at 03:13 am 1244427185
June 8th, 2009 at 04:14 pm 1244474068
June 8th, 2009 at 05:33 pm 1244478786
Sounds like one of the best "thank you's" you could have gotten!