We've been saving, plus we will have a snowball come this month to purchase DH a new to him car. We've been without a second car for a year now, and it's been tough on all of us. I am so ready to not have to drop everything and run when he's ready to be picked up (he doesn't work regular hours). I will have less stress, more time with the kids, more time for myself... and less stress (oops, already said that).
So the tough part! What to get? Our max is $4500. I am sure we can get something - but I also don't want to spend an arm & a leg over the next year fixing things.
Also, anyone have any tips for buying used cars? We refuse to go with a dealer - don't want to pay docking fees and such. We've always bought new... Not sure what to do!
It's tough...
October 4th, 2009 at 05:37 pm
October 4th, 2009 at 07:23 pm 1254680601
Here's some tip for used cars:
I'd go for an old model with little miles. A granny car so to speak. (My "granny car" was a Mustang convertible for about $5k - as you will read).
One thing to add. Be careful out there. When I sold my Mustang the buyer told me they would bring a cashier check, I believe. I don't remember him telling me he would pay cash and was shocked when he handed me $3k cash. Made me nervous. I was just thinking about it the other day since there have been a lot of Craigslist robbings in this economy. He probably never would have told me he was going to show up with cash - SMART! Of course, I'd do a cashier's check.
I'd give some ideas of cars if I knew what he was looking for.
I wouldn't buy a $5k car from a dealer, for sure.
October 4th, 2009 at 08:25 pm 1254684355
October 4th, 2009 at 08:47 pm 1254685646
We love our little Dodge Neon. Hubster used to drive it into the metro area daily for about an 18 minute drive - Filled up once a week for around $25-30. We've not had any repairs needed on it either.
On the Granny cars - CashHappySon got a great deal on one with very low miles for around $1800. Not so racy, but cheap. Gas was high though.
October 4th, 2009 at 11:27 pm 1254695243
October 8th, 2009 at 05:47 am 1254977244
I have a Nissan, I love, love, love. A family friend's Nissan "lived" for over 470,000 miles without routine care and 3 teenage girls!
Good Luck!