I am spending today cleaning out the office. I work from home... and I also share the office with the husband, and the kids when they need it.
It was getting bad in here. I've had a lot of down time in December, including almost three weeks of vacation. Tomorrow, I have to get back into working - so that means I need to clean off the desks, shred, shred, shred, and get organized.
I've had to empty my shredder 3 times already... there was a lot of stuff. Mostly financial - thankfully, I've gone to almost all online statements.
I've found 16 items to get rid of -- most of them being books. I usually try to sell them at a used book store, but some of these were already declined. So, I am thinking of dropping them off at my grandma's retirement community. I have many more where they come from... What can I say? I love to read!
The kids and the husband are out cleaning up the garage - moving stuff around and decluttering also.
Nice way to spend a Sunday!
Day 3... 30 Day Challenge and stuff
January 3rd, 2010 at 09:25 pm
January 3rd, 2010 at 10:35 pm 1262558128
January 4th, 2010 at 01:47 am 1262569646